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Day 44: Garden of Gethsemane
Matthew 26:36-68
Mark 14:32-52
Luke 22:39-53
John 18:1-11
Ornament: Coins
Jesus knew that his life was in danger when he boldly entered Jerusalem and challenged the temple authorities. He never displayed fear- until now. What is Jesus afraid of? Why now? What has him sorrowful and troubled “even to death?”
How will you respond to Jesus’ exhortation to watch and pray?
Other helpful resources:
"Going Public" J.D. Greear (October 2, 2016) Matthew 16:13-24
"Jesus’ Final Wishes" J.D. Greear (October 16, 2016) John 17:1-26
"Abandoned for Me" J.D. Greear (March 11, 2018) Matthew 26:30-56
Click here for a DIY Day 44 Ornament Tutorial!
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