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Day 49: The Holy Spirit

Acts 2

John 14-16

Romans 8

I Corinthians 12

Ornament: Dove with Compass

Today we will study the events of Pentecost and the gift of the Holy Spirit.


*(Make sure to watch the end of the video for instructions on raising butterflies - a great object lesson on the transformation brought about by the Holy Spirit!)


The role of the Holy Spirit can be difficult to understand.  Yet, is it His influence in our lives that make all the difference.  Are there times when you are amazed at a truth in Scripture that you’ve read many times, but never understood in the same way before?  That’s the Holy Spirit.  Are you sometimes surprised by your good response to a bad situation?  That’s the Holy Spirit.  Have you ever spoken words of wisdom, and later wondered where that wisdom came from?  It’s from the Holy Spirit.


Ask for the Holy Spirit.  Luke 11:13 promises that God will give the Holy Spirit if we ask.  In fact, Jesus almost mocks those who doubt that the Father will give the Spirit, pointing out that even imperfect, earthly fathers give good gifts to their children, so how much more will our Heavenly Father give us what we ask!  The previous story about the persistent neighbor (Luke 11:5-10) is an exhortation from Jesus to refuse the temptation to believe that we’re not one of God’s children, and to instead ask boldly for the Spirit, as God’s child.


Click here for a DIY Day 49 Ornament Tutorial!


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